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Cheating... Why How and What To DO

  • Cheating… I feel like the word itself makes it sound like only men do it. But the reality is, when men are cheating, with whom are they doing it? Monkeys? No… with women!

    As a woman, I want to speak directly to other women: we play a role in this. If we don’t take responsibility for being the “other woman” in another woman’s relationship, this conversation shouldn’t even exist. Every man who cheats is enabled by another woman, often one who knows he’s involved with a girlfriend or wife.

    Equality means being aware of the impact we have on one another. If we can all acknowledge this, I believe we can change things for the better.

    “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law.” This “Golden Rule” from the Bible is timeless: treat others as you want to be treated.

Caroline Hallak❤️


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