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Why Jealousy? What to Do, and How to Master Your Feelings

Why Jealousy? What to Do, and How to Master Your Feelings

  1. Start a 30-60 Day Journal: Begin by listing everything—whether material possessions or achievements—that you feel jealous of, things that you wish you had but don't.

  2. Identify the People You’re Jealous Of: Write down the names of people you’re envious of and the specific reasons why.

  3. Recognize Your Triggers: Try to identify what triggers these feelings of jealousy in each case. Understanding your triggers is the first step to managing them.

  4. Take Action on Triggers: For the triggers you can do something about, consider blocking these people on social media for 30-60 days to create some distance.

  5. Stop Obsessing: Avoid asking about, following, or even thinking about these individuals. Focus on your own journey instead of obsessing over what others are doing.

  6. Find Positive Replacements: Replace each trigger with something you can do for yourself—something that brings you joy or helps you grow.

  7. Celebrate What You Have: Make a list of all the things you love and appreciate in your life. Focus on the blessings and gifts that are already yours.

  8. Embrace Your Unique Gifts: Concentrate on the talents and qualities that God has given you. Remember that each person has their own beauty and unique strengths.

  9. Discover New Hobbies: Reconnect with activities or hobbies that you enjoyed when you were younger. Tap into the pure, natural joy of your inner child to reignite your passions.

By following these steps, you’ll start to shift your focus away from what you lack and towards your own strengths, talents, and the things that truly matter to you. This journey is about mastering your feelings and embracing the unique gifts that make you who you are.

Here’s the link to get started…

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